Animated Short Film (2014)
"Bendik og Monsteret" (Bendik and the Monster) is a story about a monster that doesn´t want to be scary, and a little boy who misses having a friend and wants to be allowed to be exactly how he wants to be.
It´s also a heartwarming story about how friendship can grow between most, despite of differences, and that it´s at its best when love and respect go hand in hand.
Director: Frank Mosvold
Writer: Arne Svingen
Production companies: SpinVille / Gimpville AS, Kool Production AS
Cast: Anders Baasmo, Adam Eftevaag, Johannes Joner, Tori Wraanes
Distributor: Norgesfilm AS
Release: January 2014
Animated Short Film, drama
Larger than life, dressed in suit and tie, dad appears at the window one evening, with a gift for his son. Daddy is strong and brave, he frees animals from captivity...
Animated Family Film
Ella Bella Bingo is organising a circus for her best griend Henry, with a special magic trick in mind. But then new boy Johnny moved into the neighbourhood...