Animation (2020)
Ella Bella Bingo is organising a circus for her best griend Henry, with a special magic trick in mind. But then new boy Johnny moved into the neighbourhood and things suddenly change. Ella Bella fears she is losing her best friend.
Henry, forced to choose between Ella Bella and Johnny, runs off and disappears. Ella Bella must team up with her enemy Johnny, and go in search of Henry. She has to save the circus but most of all her friendship!
This warm, humorous movie is full of adventure and important lessons; a bicycle road trip where three kids learn the true magic of friendship.
Animated Short Film, drama
Donec aenean mauris placerat lorem pulvinar ned commodo mauris velitesse integer aliquam mollis suspendisse ullamco tellus.
Animated Short Film, comedy
Donec aenean mauris placerat lorem pulvinar ned commodo mauris velitesse integer aliquam mollis suspendisse ullamco tellus.